
Through partnerships with government, industry, and academia, we conduct high-quality research with the aim of increasing market information, policy recommendations, providing guidance on best practices, models, strategies and systems in the clean energy sector in Africa.

IKI/RLI Communities of Practice

We are an implementing partner with Reiner Lemoine Institut (RLI) to carry out The “Communities of Practice as Drivers of a Bottom-Up Energy Transition in Nigeria” project, funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI). The project aims to improve the capacity of local communities of practice (CoPs) to develop and operate decentralized renewable energy projects.

IKI ICM (Independent Complaint Mechanism)

Any person who believes they may be harmed by an IKI project or who wish to report corruption or the misuse of funds, can lodge a complaint to the IKI Independent Complaint Mechanism at The IKI complaint mechanism has a panel of independent experts who will investigate the complaint. In the course of the investigation, we will consult with the complainant so as to avoid unnecessary risks for the complainant. More information can be found at: